Shares Service Notes and Supported Projects
Research Sources
Miri offers free intranet organization space on our Google G Suite, so that groups and individuals involved in the study and sharing of analyzing mind/body connection and how it may enhance the human experience have a digital workplace. Researcher would have access to all the Google G Suite Not of for profit tools to help conduct their work. Each free account would have 30 gig of space to use to collaborate and share their work with other investigators and the public. If interested please contact Nathan at Note: This intranet is not a replacement for you existing presentation or marketing website, nor is a commercial tool. It is a place to communicate, store, and share data that would support the benefit the study of how movement influences the mind.
Useful Activities [Just Examples]
Documentation of Movement Phrase and their possible meaning.
Attempting to address questions such as:
How does movement relates to various aspects of the human condition?
Cultural history of movement styles and their particular context.
Space Rental Support NYC
In the New York area, we currently support local mind body teachers as they try to find affordable space to teach and practice. This is done acting as a conduit for appropriate group to use our non-profit status to gain reduced space rental fee location that support non profit movement organizations.
Local Performance and Training Space Resources: New York
Please note not all venues may be all forms of movement form practice. This site list inclusive rehearsal or performance spaces
Supported Projects:
Essence of Acting: We have provided audio video recording for some of their rehearsals in New York City, as a way to study how actors move on space and interact with each other.
The Northern Shaolin 7 Star Praying Mantis Institute and Association is a managed in part by the: Movement Interface Research Institute, Inc (MIRI) :
Sifu Xiuming Jin: MIRI sponsors the non-profit status and liability insurance eligibility for this body moment/mind group. Our service enables them to conduct a Wu Dong arts or Tai Chi class within a New York City Public school space. The class on the weekend, when normal schools activities are not in session.
Contact: Facebook
Demonstration: American International Dragon and Lion Festival 8/17/2019 Sara D. Roosevelt Park, Between Christie and Grand Street, between Christie and Grand Street
Class Content Tai Chi Practice Form
Youtube Channels